Jul 2, 2013

If your vehicle has luxurious leather seats, you have probably noticed they tend to show every last bit of dirt or dust.  You can’t use most cleaning agents on leather, so it is important that you learn how to properly care for your leather seats to maintain their appearance and quality.  Clearwater area Acura provides the following tips for maintaining your leather seats:


Three Steps to Maintaining Leather Seats

Proper maintenance of leather seats is not difficult but it does require three steps.  You will need to wipe, clean and then condition the leather against future damage.  Ideally, you will take these steps to maintain your leather on a regularly scheduled basis.  A bi-weekly or once a month cleaning schedule is recommended for the best results.


Supplies Needed to Clean Leather Seats

Your Clearwater area Acura dealer recommends that you keep the following items in your garage or toolbox so you are always prepared to care for leather seats:

  • Leather conditioning product (specifically designed for protecting leather seats)
  • Leather scrub brush
  • Microfiber towels (one to use damp and one to use dry)
  • Leather cleaning product (specifically designed for cleaning leather seats)

It is important to avoid all cleansers and c leaning agents that are not specifically designed for leather seats as they can damage or discolor the leather.


Step 1: Wipe With Lightly Dampened Cloth

Get one of your microfiber towels damp and wipe down the seats to remove food, dirt, dust and lint that may have accumulated since your last cleaning.  Not only will the seats look nicer with dirt removed, but it will prevent damage caused by sitting on particles.


Step 2: Use Leather Cleaner

About once a month, use a leather cleaning product that sprays on the seats.  Spray according to package instructions and then wipe off.  If there are any stains or trouble spots that aren’t coming clean, use your leather brush to work the solution into the leather seat gently.  Wipe all excess cleaning solution off your seats.


Step 3: Use Leather Conditioner for Protection

Finish your cleaning routine with a conditioner designed to protect your leather against future damage and keep it soft.  Follow the instructions on the package and use regularly for the best results.