Jun 27, 2013

Getting pulled over by a police officer can really put a damper on your road trip’s good time, or make for a miserable commute.  Traffic tickets can be a costly experience, not to mention a one-time ticket can result in a long-term consequence if your car insurance rate is increased due to the ticket.  Here are some tips from your St. Petersburg area Acura dealer for avoiding getting pulled over and getting traffic tickets:


Pay Attention to Speed Limits


Some drivers are so used to driving faster than posted speed limits that they don’t even think about it.  If you want to avoid getting pulled over and avoid a speeding ticket, you need to learn to keep an eye on the posted speed limits and your speedometer so that you aren’t traveling too fast.  Everyone is in a hurry, and it is human nature to rush everywhere – but don’t speed.  Not only does it increase your risks of being pulled over, but speeding increases your risks for car accidents and injuries.


Leave More Space Between Vehicles: Avoid Tailgating


A common reason drivers get pulled over by police officers is from tailgating.  Tailgating is following the vehicle in front of you too closely.  It’s very dangerous because it reduces the amount of time you have to stop.  If the car in front of you stops unexpectedly, you are at risk to rear ending the car.  If cops see drivers tailgating, they will often pull them over and issue a ticket.  Try to leave a car length between you and the car in front of you for every 10 miles per hour you are driving.  If traveling at 50 miles per hour, leave five car lengths between you and the vehicle in front of you.


Use your Turn Signals and Make Proper Lane Changes

If you are going to turn, don’t forget to use your turn signals – that is what they’re for!  Many drivers get lazy or forget to put their turn signals on before turning.  Help other drivers and pedestrians know your intentions by using your turn signals, and you won’t be at risk for getting pulled over for lack of using turn signals.  Also, when changing lanes on a multiple lane highway, always use your turn signal and change one lane at a time.  If you zoom across several lanes at once, you are at risk for being pulled over for improper lane changes.